Slot RTD

Radix understands the need to accurately measure operating temperatures of electric motors and generators. Any failure to keep these systems in perfect operating conditions can result in heavy losses. Radix Slot RTD sensors made of fiber body and Teflon insulated integral cables, can withstand voltages up to 3KV and temperatures up to 180°C. Available in range of sheath lengths, its slim dimensions can be directly inserted between the motor winding. With these and more features, you can expect the highest quality while using our Slot RTD sensors. 

  • Measures winding temperature, inserted between winding
  • Pt-100, 3 wire, Single in Class B accuracy as per IEC 751
  • Temperature range: upto 180°C
  • Fiber body
  • Withstands voltage upto 3KV
  • Teflon insulated Cable in multiple of 1 meter

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